Radio disclosure dives deep into the Texas elementary school shooting.  We answer the question of why the police did not enter in for over an hour. We also touch on some of the emotional reactions, that includes the comments made by Whoopi Goldberg on The View.

Michael Mann joins us on Radio Disclosure.  We cover the reasons why there was a delay of the police entering the schools.  In addition, we also discuss, the history of the United States in why the police have no constitutional responsibility to protect the citizens and levels of training police officers get today.  According to Michael, which does police training himself, police are not trained to handle these kinds of threats. In addition to that are not constitutionally obligated to do so and quote case law. Michael Mann Security Services (MMSS) was founded by Michael Mann to help organizations and individuals get better at recognizing, preventing, and protecting themselves when it comes to security issues.

A true security professional, Michael has experience in many backgrounds:

  • U.S. Marine Corps veteran, Fleet-Antiterrorism Security Team (FAST)
  • Metropolitan Nashville Police Department , Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT)
  • Managing the protection of U.S. Department of Energy nuclear weapons facilities
  • Managing the protection of dignitaries and high-net worth individuals
  • Designing physical protection programs for commercial nuclear fuel facilities
  • Providing the private sector with security management expertise
  • Designing comprehensive security programs for churches and schools
  • Board certified in security management, physical security and executive protection
  • Educator and university adjunct instructor