The Radio Disclosure Radio Show is focused on a wide area of subjects that range from UFO's Ghosts, The Paranormal, Hauntings, government coverups, medicine, business, industry and fraud. From the latest reported government cover up, alien abductions, medical problems, social problems, and the latest in the world of phenomenon. Radio Disclosure uncovers the facts and asks the questions that conventional mainstream media refuses to disclose. Radio Disclosure is hosted by Ted Randall and Matt Aaron and airs on International Shortwave and domestic radio stations.
Emmy Winning Science reporter Linda Moulton Howe in an exclusive interview with Ted Randall talks about her beginnings as a professional reporter reporting on the unexplained. Linda Moulton Howe is a graduate of Stanford University with a Masters Degree in Communication. She has devoted her documentary film, television and radio career to productions concerning science, medicine and the environment. Ms. Howe has received local, national and international awards, including three regional Emmys and a national Emmy nomination. Those films have included Poison in the Wind and A Sun Kissed Poison which compared smog pollution in Los Angeles and Denver; Fire In The Water about hydrogen as an alternative energy source to fossil fuels; A Radioactive Water about uranium contamination of public drinking water in a Denver suburb; and A Strange Harvest which explored the worldwide animal mutilation mystery which has haunted the United States and other countries from the mid-20th century to date. Linda has written four books: An Alien Harvest which investigates the worldwide animal mutilation phenomenon and Glimpses of Other Realities, Volumes I and II which concern U.S. military, intelligence and civilian testimonies about other forces that interact with earth life. Her fourth book, Mysterious Lights and Crop Circles, was updated in a 2nd Edition with expanded 2001 content and released in July 2002. It is an investigative report about scientific research of unusual formations in cereal crops and grasses around the world and videotapes, photographs and eyewitness descriptions of mysterious small lights associated with the enigmatic crop formations. Linda continues to write, produce and speak at national and international conferences and symposiums, including NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. In addition to producing, reporting and editing, she also produces, writes and reports for television and radio, including segments on The Discovery Channel and weekly science, environment and earth mystery news for the nationally syndicated Clear Channel's Coast to Coast AM
Filetype: MP3 - Size: 55.02MB - Duration: 2:00:12 m (64 kbps 44100 Hz)